
Face Lazer as "Jake". Christening the inside sleeve of the Singing Spoons "Chedr?!?!?" cassette. 1988

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I watched "Blow Out" on Blu-Ray

I am big fan of "Blow Out" although I'm not a huge DePalma fan. How about "Snake Eyes"? John Travolta is great as a movie sound dude with a shotgun microphone that likes to record owls. Some of the camera work is amazing in that they used split screen techniques to keep the subject in the background in focus with subjects in the foreground. Nancy Allen is kind of terrible in her dipshit character's role, but I think that was the point.her character is both exploiter and the exploited. The film within a film stuff at the beginning that kind of takes the piss out of 'Friday the 13th/Halloween' teen sex horror films is pretty funny. John Lithgow appears as a total psycho. The type of role he reprises so brilliantly almost 30 years later on "Dexter". He really is a creep in this. Dennis Franz cannot possibly own a t-shirt that isn't stained.
The music score in this film is kind of insane. It careens from huge orchestral dramatic flourishes to low grade early 80's synth cheese with a LOT of sexy saxophone.
It is essentially a sound recordist industrial film, political murder mystery and slasher movie rolled into one.
The ending is both depressing, ridiculous and fantastic. I found a lot of the sound recording stuff fascinating. Travolta chain smokes in a fucking hospital for crying out loud. Almost none of the sound editing techniques or smoking scenes are relevant today. DePalma was brilliant in evoking the kind of weird, grainy film shots in the political assassination scene that reminds me of the Kennedy films by Zapruder.
The Criterion film transfer to Blu-Ray is amazing. I love seeing all of these older films with a lot of detail revealed, especially location shots.

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