
Face Lazer as "Jake". Christening the inside sleeve of the Singing Spoons "Chedr?!?!?" cassette. 1988

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Watched Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol

Last Wednesday I went to go see MI:4. I found it to be an alright action packed ham sandwich of a film.
Apparently, Tom Cruise is the kind of guy who likes to drink one beer and then leave the room.
Russians appear to be lacking in curiosity and will do whatever it takes to not follow up on weird sounds emanating from a hallway that is normally very quiet. 
One of the co-stars, Paula Patton, is very beautiful, but looks like she could break you in half. She may be Lyle Alzado reincarnated as a black supermodel. That or Rashida Jones on mega-steroids. Mr. Cruise may have been wearing 5 inch lifts in his loafers. 
Simon Pegg appears as a "nerd" and one that will not shut his pie chute. Jeremy Renner almost gets baked by a microchip.
Some of the stunts are great and the CGI is generally very good. The situations these people find themselves in though are beyond improbable and they never could arrive in time to do any of the things they do without the use of a time travel machine or a Jetta that travels at the speed of light. 
A lingering question: If Tom Cruise is so ripped and ready to kick ass, why can't he kick the ass of a dude that looks like he is in his late 50's, early 60's? I think there may be several nuclear briefcase to the face and nuts fight sequences in this. I cannot be sure. The stunt on the Dubai tower though is pretty amazing. Also, parking is completely fucked up in that country.

In other news, I am a proponent of these things. Can't live without them. Good for clearing out remnants of...
you guessed it: STRING BEANS.

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